President Of Canada 2023

Biden and Trudeau Discuss Progress Under February Joint Statement

Incremental Progress Made on Key Issues

Continued Cooperation on Shared Goals

OTTAWA, Oct 11 (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Joe Biden held a virtual meeting on Tuesday to discuss progress made under a joint statement they issued in February. The statement outlined a number of shared goals, including addressing climate change, strengthening economic ties, and promoting democracy and human rights.

According to a readout of the meeting released by the White House, the two leaders discussed the progress made on a number of key issues, including:

  • Climate change: Biden and Trudeau reaffirmed their commitment to reducing emissions and transitioning to a clean energy economy. They also discussed the importance of working together to address the challenges posed by climate change.
  • Economic recovery: The two leaders discussed the need to continue working together to support economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. They also discussed ways to strengthen trade and investment between the two countries.
  • Democracy and human rights: Biden and Trudeau reaffirmed their commitment to promoting democracy and human rights around the world. They also discussed the importance of working together to address threats to democracy, such as disinformation and extremism.

The meeting comes at a time when the relationship between the United States and Canada is under strain. The two countries have been at odds over a number of issues, including the Keystone XL pipeline, the softwood lumber trade, and Canada's arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

Despite these challenges, the meeting between Biden and Trudeau was seen as a positive step forward. The two leaders agreed to continue working together on shared goals and to address the challenges facing their two countries.

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